Friday, April 10, 2009

No new bad news would be great news!

So...I'm sitting here after a lengthy discussion with my co-workers about drugs and craziness and general human sin and all I can think of is the way that we tend to discredit eachothers feelings. When I was a college freshman I took a personal ethics class and there was an essay written about motivation and how everything that a human does is selfishly motivated in one way or another. I remember going home after that class and just bawling...things like that get to me. I am an idealist. Sometimes I tend not to live in reality and yes, that gets me into trouble. But I will be a hopeless idealist until I die because to me without that slight naiviety I possess life isn't worth a whole lot. I believe in the good of people, I believe in love, I believe in taking time to relax and smell the flowers, I believe in kissing as much as possible when it means something to you, I believe in family and a lot of things. I want the world to be an amazing place but lately things have been happening (not necessarily in my life) that make me question the goodness. I hope at some point the human race will realize that it is not about the things that you have but the forgiveness, compassion and sympathy you can show to another human being even when your own life is tough. Please let there be one day without pain, without one human hurting another and where kindness is the driving force behind our motivations. I am not perfect and in rereading this I realize I sound completely naive and sappy but it would just be nice, for one day even, to have no new bad news.

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